Description: Grab a weight if you have one. We are using a 6kg kettlebell for this workout. Try to complete as many reps as you possibly can as you go! ps: send a sweaty selfie or tag @peachyfitbyronbay in your workout setup... we love them!
Description: We are utilising a 8kg kettlebell but feel free to add any weight you have or feel like. This is also fine as bodyweight option too. 'Let's do this!'
Description: Filmed 'live' for Abysse Official @abysseoffical at Elements of Byron. Full bodyweight workout. Circuit session with 45 seconds on, 15 seconds rest.
Description: Kettlebell weighted workout focusing on the number of repetitions per exercise. Guaranteed to raise the heart rate & get those muscles firing!
Description: HITT Bodyweight Workout! Recorded and saved one morning from our ‘live’ instagram feed. It’s such a good strength & endurance workout that offers a great new ‘song surprise’ at the end! Fire up baby… enjoy this one.
Description: 40min Fat burning HITT Bodyweight Workout! 8 exercises. 30sec on with 10 sec rest. For the number of rounds…. you’ll have to do it to find out!!!
Description: Total body HIIT put into 3 sections counted with repetitions, not a timer! Try to keep the same pace as us or go your own. Fun surprise to look forward to at the end! Smash out this 30minute bodyweight burner.
Description: Great heart rate starter... try to complete 'as many reps as possible' in this bodyweight workout.